T-Force (1994)

T-Force (1994) is right in the pocket of 1990s VHS-era sci-fi action movie trash that I’m into, particularly anything with a cyberpunk element. PM Entertainment productions seem to have a lot of video covers where the hero – in this case Jack Scalia as a cop named Jack Floyd – holds up a gun as big as their head. It’s a true blessing how many of these flicks have been uploaded onto YouTube to watch for free.

The first 20 minutes of T-Force is another Die Hard rip-off where Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2, Commando) leads a gang of armed terrorists into a Los Angeles corporate building and says stuff like “Good to see you, Mr. Ambassador.” Then our hero cop Scalia rolls up in an open-top cool-guy vintage convertible, and assists a team of government approved Universal Soldier type “cybernauts” called “Terminal Force” who sweep in to save the day. Unfortunately when a few hostages are taken out in the crossfire, the cyborgs are set for “retirement.” Except they decide to turn rogue, talking about “self-preservation” and that the “law is corrupt.” Scalia is given the Blade Runner assignment to hunt them down, and also overcomes his Alien Nation style prejudice against robots by being partnered with the one cyborg – Cain (Bobby Johnston) – who upholds the law (and can rock some faded denim jeans).

A grab-bag of popular sci-fi action movie clichés with enough explosions, 90s ponytails, and Terminator-style cyborg-claw SFX to make it a fun time. Also, contains wacky bits of business such as an exotic dancer needing a battery recharged in the middle of their act, or the hunted cyborgs finding a porno mag in the deserted factory they’re hiding out in and decide to give “procreating” a try (cue sax solo). Recommended, if you’re into VHS action movie trash.